Books, eBooks, and Audio Books by Dr. Bill Warner are available online at and from popular retail distributors.
One of the great questions of the 21st century is: What is the true nature of Islam? The popular message is that Islam is one of the great world religions, a peaceful religion, a foundation of world civilization, its Golden Age was the high point of history, and it preserved Western thought while we were in the Dark Ages.
The alternative message is that Islam is a brutal, backward, woman abusing, violent, intellectually narrow ideology that is out to annihilate civilization.
Which side is right? How do we resolve this issue?
Can it even be resolved?
Our books make Islam easy to understand. There is one sure way to knowing Islam -- know Allah and know Mohammed. This used to be very hard to do, but just like science made computers easy to use, scientific analysis has made Allah and Mohammed accessible and interesting.
Allah is found in the Koran which is famous for being impossible to read, but today anyone with curiosity can pick it up, read it and comprehend it.
To know Islam, you must know Mohammed. His life, called the Sira, and sayings, called Hadith, are the foundations of Islam. It is more important to know Mohammed than the Koran. Our books will show you one of history's interesting leaders.
Our books will give you ease of learning and a firm foundation of understanding.
Islam has three sacred texts-the Koran, the Sira (life of Mohammed), and the Hadith (traditions of Mohammed). These are the foundations of Islam. All of Islamic religious and political doctrine are found in them.
Until now these books were unavailable to the average reader. The Koran is confusing and only scholars knew that the Sira and the Hadith existed.
The Sira is an 800 page book that is very difficult reading. Mohammed and the Unbelievers makes the life of Mohammed easy to understand.
The Political Traditions of Mohammed contains all of the Traditions about the non-Muslims. This book is a fascinating read. You will learn details about Islam that you never knew existed.
An Abridged Koran is identical to A Simple Koran, except all of the repetition is removed. Practically speaking, this means that the book is half as long.
The Taste of Islam is a unique offering. Until now the doctrine of Islam has always been hidden behind deliberately complex writing. The Koran is a perfect example of cloaking a simple message behind a screen of created incoherency. Thus, the public image of Islamic doctrine is that it is so profound and subtle even superb scholars could not read and understood the texts.
Scientific analysis has revealed the hidden topics of Islam. What seemed complex has been made clear. Now anyone can understand the sacred texts that drive and support every action and word by Islam. Anyone can understand the doctrine of Allah and Mohammed as revealed in its source texts. What was difficult is now simple for anyone who wants it.
A Taste of Islam gives you the source text, not opinion. It is not about Islam, it is Islam.
A Taste of Islam book is a short read; the Islamic doctrine is distilled—about 70 pages long.
This is a quick read about the man who became the first ruler of a united Arabia and laid the foundation for the empire of Islam. But, it is not just a biography; it is a sacred text of how a perfect Muslim should conduct their life.
This little book is the perfect introduction to Sharia law. It also makes the perfect lobbying tool to educate politicians, leaders and officials.
The most enjoyable way to learn about Islam is through the traditions of Mohammed (Hadith).
The Islamic doctrine of slavery is found in the Koran and the life-example of Mohammed. You must know the Islamic doctrine of slavery before you can understand slavery.
Islam devotes a great deal attention to how women should be treated. This doctrine is made simple to understand.
Islam has a detailed doctrine of the Jew and Christian. This books gives you all of the mental and emotional landscape that lies behind what a Muslim says.
An introduction to the Koran, Sira, and Hadith in Print and MP3 formats.
Paperback, PDF, ePub (6x9, 87 pages)
Twenty (20) MP3 Downloads
Running Time: 2:41:18
Twelve lectures that introduce you to Sharia Law for Non-Muslims in MP3 format.
Twelve (12) MP3 Downloads
Running Time: 1:12:00
Our schools and religious leaders have not taught us about Islam so it is up to us to educate ourselves. CSPI now offers two self-study courses that lead you through a systematic study of Islam’s fundamental texts, the Koran, the Sira and the Hadith. You will learn doctrine, not comments or opinions about Islam. These courses are fact-based.
This book is the first level of the Self-Study course on Political Islam.
This is the second level of the Self-Study Course on Political Islam.
This is the third level of the Self-Study Course on Political Islam.
This is a series of fifteen (15) lectures from A Self-Study Course on Political Islam Level 1.
Fifteen (15) MP3 Downloads
Running time: 4:19:05
The first book ever written about how to use the facts of Islam in persuasion and argument.
Islam and the Psychology of the Muslim is a jewel from the early 20th century, written before the disaster of modern, politically correct thought control. The author, Andre Sevier, was a scholar of Islamic doctrine and its political history.
This is a reprint of a 1901 book, from back in the day when Christian scholarship on Islam was of a high level.
Follow Dr. Bill Warner on YouTube or for his latest video blog.
My mission is to educate the world about the doctrine and history of Political Islam. I deal with facts, not opinions.
My experts are Allah and Mohammed. Everything I say and write can be verified.
Dr. Bill Warner
There are two distinct answers to this question. The popular message is that Islam is one of the great world religions, a peaceful religion, a foundation of world civilization. The alternative message is that Islam is a brutal, backward, woman abusing, violent, intellectually narrow ideology that is out to annihilate civilization.
Which side is right? How do we resolve this issue? Can it even be resolved? If we turn to the “experts” of any of the opinions, they will tell you that their view is correct. What then is the ultimate authority that will give us a firm foundation for reasoning and judgment about Islam? Is it possible to use critical thought or must we just accept the authority of experts?
Up until now, the answers have been unsatisfactory. We can’t understand Islamic doctrine without understanding its sacred foundations - the three texts that inform and direct virtually every thought and act in the Muslim world.
Through a new, simpler and more complete system, the Center for the Study of Political Islam offers these sacred texts to the general reader. You want answers. You want understanding. Here they are.
of Islams political doctrine is found in three sacred texts,
the Trilogy:
The Koran - the words
of the Islamic god Allah, as reported by Mohammed
The Sira - the life of Mohammed
The Hadith - the traditions of Mohammed, governing every
aspect of daily life, great and small
By seeing through the eyes of Mohammed, your view of Islam will be transformed:
Media accounts of Islam will be seen in a new light
The history of Islam will make sense
The very words you use to discuss Islam will be new and
more accurate
You will become your own expert, able to discuss political Islam with anyone
For the first time all of these books are easily understood
The reading level is that of a weekly news magazine. If there is a technical word, it is defined.Authoritative
Each paragraph is referenced to the source text. You see exactly what Mohammed did and said, and if you desire corroboration or more information, you can easily look it up.Complete
Islam can only be truly known by understanding all three texts, which for the general reader has not been previously possible.
Up to now, the knowledge of the Trilogy has been available only to a few scholars and Islamic imams, in a form virtually impossible for the general public to access. Scholars at CSPI have made these texts understandable for the first time.
Now you can learn about political Islam from the only source that counts -- Mohammed himself.
BILL WARNER, Ph.D. is a highly respected expert on political Islam. In 2006, he founded the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) to further the study of the politics of the ideology of Islam and its ramifications for Western Civilization. Warner defines political Islam as that part of Islamic doctrine which concerns the non-Muslim.
Warner is the author of fifteen books, including the Amazon bestseller, Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, which is published in 20 languages. His Simple Koran is the first Koran that can be easily understood by integrating Mohammed’s life into the Koran verses. This method gives a context to the book which makes the meaning transparent. All his books are concise and easy to understand.
Warner has published numerous articles on the topic of Political Islam and is a prolific video blogger with over 150 videos dedicated to commentary and education on this subject. His video, “Why We Are Afraid”, has over four million views.
Warner has led seminars and given public talks throughout the United States and Canada, and internationally in Central Europe and the Balkan countries.
In 2013, he established CSPI International (CSPII), a volunteer, non-profit organization, based in Brno, Czech Republic, with affiliates around the globe. CSPII translates & publishes Warner’s books world-wide, provides trainings & lectures, and does research on political Islam.
Warner created the first self-study courses on political Islam. His books give an overview of the complete Islamic doctrine and address how the doctrine is applied to world events. CSPI books are also available as a web-based community learning platform.
Bill Warner holds a PhD in physics & applied mathematics from North Carolina State University. He has been a research scientist at the Sarnoff Princeton Labs, a business owner of an energy efficiency company and a university professor.
Bill Warner is the nom de plume for Bill French.
Dr. Warner holds that the totality of the true nature of Islam is found in the Trilogy of the Koran, the Sira (the biography of Mohammed) and the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed). All evaluation of Islamic history and current activity is caused by the doctrine found in this Trilogy. Therefore, it is impossible to understand any Islamic action without knowing the doctrine that is its cause.
Warner postulates that there are three independent views of Islam that are not reconcilable. The three views are believer-centric, apologist-centric and Kafir- centric. The believer-centric view is the view of a Muslim. Apologist-centric is based upon the apologetic view of non-Muslims. Kafir-centric is the view of the non- Muslim. A comprehensive knowledge of Islam must include all three. These views cannot be resolved, but each must stand alone.
Warner’s training in scientific theory and mathematics shaped how he analyzed Islamic doctrine. Realizing that the Islamic texts had been made deliberately difficult to read and comprehend, he set out to organize the doctrine in a manner that would be easily understood by the average per-son. As he analyzed the foundational Islamic texts, it became clear that Islam is not constructed on the same civilizational principles as the rest of the world. Simple statistical methods revealed that dualism and submission were the foundational principles of Islamic doctrine.
Statistical methods applied to the Islamic texts showed that: